We had toyed with the idea of going to DC for the inauguration but then decided to watch it from the comfort of home instead. Jason had jury duty and watched it with 199 fellow Brooklynites, which he said was actually pretty fantastic. About as democratic as it gets. (In all ways - he said only two people clapped when Obama gave his mandatory props to Bush for his 8 years, and I'm surprised it was that many.)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Watching the Inauguration
We had toyed with the idea of going to DC for the inauguration but then decided to watch it from the comfort of home instead. Jason had jury duty and watched it with 199 fellow Brooklynites, which he said was actually pretty fantastic. About as democratic as it gets. (In all ways - he said only two people clapped when Obama gave his mandatory props to Bush for his 8 years, and I'm surprised it was that many.)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Museum as Playground
We went to see Pipilotti Rist's ginormous video installation Pour Your Body Out at MoMA last week. Rosie loved it - there is a circular couch with a big hole in the middle, perfect for a baby corral. She hung out with us for all of five seconds and then went to meet everyone else who was hanging out in the inner circle.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Teddy: The Next Generation
Anyone who knew me as a young tot (and then some) knows that I was virtually inseparable from Teddy, who still exists but is basically a shredded mass of threads with a friendly little smile. This Christmas my mom pulled a real surprise show-stopper by giving Rosemary a perfect re-creation of Teddy, down to the original stretchy pink fabric, which she still had, and the navy blue upholstery fabric for his face, which she had to hunt out. The moment Rosemary pulled him out of his box was, for me, maybe the most uncanny moment ever. Teddy - clean and whole and full of his stuffing? I don't even remember him ever being that way. But he may not have that brand new bear smell for long -- Rosie loves him.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Left to right: Rosemary, Gilbert, and George
Visiting the Brooklyn Museum last weekend...maybe I'll submit this to Gilbert and George, just in case they want to freshen up their act with a younger addition like they do on sitcoms. I'm not sure she has the stamina and patience for their living sculptures just yet.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Beatrice, Stairs, and Cats, oh my
Why aren't we here ALL the time? I could tell that was what was going through Rosemary's head the entire time we were at the Dixcys' house to celebrate New Year's with Christina, Dale, Beatrice, and Christina's folks. In fact, she was so excited to be there that she woke up at 11 o'clock and couldn't be convinced to go back to sleep, so I finally just got her up figuring it was worth the photo op (see New Year's post). She was fascinated with Bea, who is 8 months older, and there were lots of unfamiliar toys to play with, a pair of steps in the living room (world's best climbing toy), several kitty cats to chase, and a giant Christmas tree to wave at. She waves at every Christmas tree she sees - we are taking it as a sign of great intelligence. (Back story being that she does it because she stared so raptly at the first Christmas tree she saw that Jason finally suggested she wave at it to break the ice.)
Back home again, she is having a fun week collecting and applying new words here and there (well, really just sounds). Duck, dog, and cat came first. Just today she started saying "coat" (which sounds boring but her coat is puffy and hot pink and fun to play with) and making fish lips when you ask her what a fish says. She likes giving "nose kisses," which she does by shaking her head no with a big smile on her face.
Rosemary and Bea and Big Bird:
Friday, January 2, 2009
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