Yes, please!
The dairy maids must have been smiling on us today. We just happened to walk by this new, old school style pharmacy soda shop the very day--the very hour--that they were trying out their milkshake recipes before they officially open to the public. We had vanilla and vanilla malt shakes, then went back 20 minutes later when Jason got home from work and had a caramel shake, made with caramel batchmade by some lady who lives in the neighborhood. I don't think it gets Brooklyn foodier than that.

Waiting with the Lorax for a milkshake. Deprived child unclear on the concept of milkshake, not very interested and kind of trepid until she realized it was drinkable ice cream.

This place is rad. It was a totally wrecked pharmacy, c. 1920 (but abandoned later, like maybe in the 1990s), spruced up lovingly with helpful $$ from a cable TV construction/renovation show. Pete the soda jerk (and owner, I think), making egg creams:
Drinking, in a line up:

More drinking:

Drinking and walking:

In the morning, we got together with Henry, Maple, Maggie, Uriel, and George and their wranglers for a totally perfect, leisurely picnic in the Urban Meadow (old vacant lot turned into a park - near our place). Tiptop day! May is THE BEST.