We're members of a terrific twins and multiples list serve called the BBPOTC (do not ask me exactly what it stands for - something about Brooklyn Parents of Twins), which has been a fantastic resource for whatever crazy twin-related question a person could possibly have. Every year they do a get together at a local carousel so people can actually meet in person. Last year we decided to go, even though it was in the middle of the babies' naptime and only Rosemary was old enough to enjoy the rides. We hoofed it all the way down to Dumbo (near the base of the Brooklyn Bridge, 1 3/4 miles from here) only to find that there was no twins party there. Turns out the party was at the carousel in Prospect Park. The OTHER carousel, too far away to get to in time.
Oh well. It's a nice park anyhow.
This year, when I saw the first mention of the carousel party, I marked our calendar. I noted the venue. I was ready. Maybe too ready. Last week there was a reminder that went out about the event, then a request for RSVPs so they could get the bagel count right. That meant go-time, as far as I was concerned. We packed everyone into our sardinemobile (yes, 3 carseats do fit in the back of a Lexus, as long as two are rear-facing), drove to Prospect Park, and headed to the carousel. This is what we saw:
See the carousel building in the background? It doesn't look open, does it. I got the date wrong. Same time, one week later.
Oh well. The carousel is right next to the Prospect Park Zoo, which made for a great outing and a gorgeous, quiet morning at the zoo. And let's face it, we never, ever would have gotten everyone out the door at nine in the morning just to go to the zoo. We got to see a red panda, a porcupine, a peacock, a baby baboon, owls. We even bumped into some old friends who we never would have otherwise seen. Not so bad.
And then later that day we went to a playground near us and there were three other sets of twins there. It's Brooklyn! Every day, every where is Twins Day. We don't need no carousel. Granted, we will try again tomorrow.
A hat worthy of Dolly Levi, yes?
Nature walk, Sylvia leading the way:
Art project, and of course Maggie is in the thick of it, very busy. (As Sylvia was running around, trying to leave the room.)