Recently Maggie got her first hair cut. Baby mullet before:
Baby mullet going, going...
GONE! Maggie was pretty excited to hit this milestone. Sylvia, who has had one haircut previously (last year's Sinead O Connor 'do), declined to get her hair cut this time. By screaming. I used to have a book about a little lion who was scared to get his hair cut. He refused until he couldn't see where he was going. Finally, after bumping into a lot of things, he agreed to do it, and there was so much hair to cut off that they were able to make two brooms and a little toupee for his worm friend.
I fear we may be able to make a few brooms and toupees by the time Sylvia finally agrees to get her hair cut. She is no fan of having her hair brushed, and usually rejects clips and ponytails. She's just not one for procedure. There was a lot of crying when she realized what we were doing, even while we were waiting to get the cuts. The whole episode took a protracted twist when I received a phone call from a stranger named Juan, saying that he was at the playground by our house, and did I know I had locked my husband out of the house, in our garden, and he was "trying to climb into the playground?" We raced home, set Jason free (yes, he was mad), then went back for haircuts, and OH BOY was Sylvia not happy when we returned to the scene of the haircut, which she thought she had escaped. She got a lolly but no hair cut.
Maggie now has a fetching, grown-up little bob: