Tuesday, November 25, 2008

10 Months Today

Rosemary is now 5/6 of a year old and even though she's a pretty mellow babe she no longer sits still for the pictures we take every month. They are total yawnsville. This time she discovered the toybox right beside the chair and that was it for keeping her eye on the birdie.

Then we went up to visit friends at the Park Avenue Armory on the upper east side. It's a pretty remarkable place, not that you can tell from these really dark pictures. Rosemary spent some time investigating the parquet floors:

1 comment:

The Laundry Queen said...

Happy 5/6ths, Rosemary! I was so sad when Big outgrew his distaste of grass-- he went from being an easy photo target as he stayed perched on a blanket to being almost impossible to capture. Now's the time for action shots, Anne!