Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Neighborhood Greeter


The Laundry Queen said...

So cute! My youngest greets all the neighbors, too. Love it.

CMT said...

OMG, so cute! Doesn't she need to come on the boat in Seattle this summer???

allyson said...

Look at her walking! Wow. Can't wait to see her (and you and J!) in July!

Laura said...

I was just about to say "I want to see you in July too!!!" But then I remembered, I hopefully will! Wow, what a big kid.

cdixcy said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Shelley Millis said...

Love the walking...she is officially toddling!

Elissa said...

Aww - adorable. Leah's doing the same thing. Let's have a playdate soon!