Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Relaxing on Labor Day

A few pix from this weekend, which we spent up in the Berkshires again with Jason's parents. And oh, it feels like fall, folks! Up there and back down here. Rosie enjoyed many pleasures of late summer including devouring an entire ear of corn (we thought she'd lose interest but we thought wrong):

Attending a massive Labor Day tag sale, where she became the proud owner of a step stool (which Jason painted this fetching green with pink highlights):

And visiting the Columbia County Fair. We stumbled upon a parade of smallish farm animals, and it turned out to be an impromptu petting zoo. Last year Rosie totally lost her cool when we put her face to face with a cow (granted, it was a HUGE cow), so I thought it was a marked improvement this time 'round when she got busy petting this little lovely moo cow. I wasn't so thrilled when she stuck her finger up the cow's nose, but I frankly I don't think Rosie was either. Beside her is the crowned dairy princess of Columbia County! But there were still irrational toddler fears aplenty, the worst of which was her fear of the water gun/balloon game. More's the pity since that one happens to be the only fair game I ever win.

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