Here are a few pix (and picks) from, I think, Labor Day weekend? Not sure exactly, but not so long ago. Now it's thoroughly turned to fall in the Berkshires, so these pictures feel ancient. There are two old apple trees up there. We don't know what kind they are, but in the past they have both produced lots of puny, bumpy apples that are tart and delicious if you can find a place worth biting. I guess it must be a great year for apples because this year we got tons of delicious, pretty decently sized ones. We have applesauce coming out of our ears. And actually out of our freezer, too, since there is just not enough room in our city freezer for a country bumper crop. My mom once broke her toe when a container of meat fell out of her freezer on to it. I should be careful. (Broke, Mom? Do I have that right?)
Oh, and there's a much newer pear tree, too, that was not to be outdone.

Here's one R took a special liking to:
what a great thing to have fruit trees in your life. Yum from me too. P.S. The photo of you and Rosie... So cute!
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