Monday, November 29, 2010

Annual T'Giving Report

We celebrate Thanksgiving at Jason's parents house in the Berkshires every year. Once, a few years back, the oven door fell off its hinges first thing Thanksgiving morning. It got pretty hairy. In retrospect maybe that was a good thing because we've had something pretty basic to be thankful for each year since. It stayed on this year. Good year!

Three cousins fishing:

Rosemary running with rainbow stick-ribbon thing from cousin Mimi. Thanks Mimi! It is a big hit. (And sweater made by knitter extraordinaire Mimi for Sam in the early 1970s, incidentally.)

Dash and Rosie:

Talking and singing at the little table. They were trying to remember the words to Old McDonald on their own.

Elijah surrounded by thugs:

Okay, that was actually Elijah winning a game of touch football.

Rosie throwing the ball to Uncle John:

I can't believe I didn't get a single picture of anyone playing Sorry this weekend, since basically it was one big fat fun Sorry tournament, punctuated by occasional rounds of Mastermind. Elijah has been playing Sorry at school and so we all ended up getting into it. Here's one of R sneaking in a round of Mastermind (albeit only the peg-putting-in part of Mastermind).

1 comment:

The Laundry Queen said...

Looks like you had a great time. It's hard not to have a good time when 'Sorry' is involved (unless you're the one singled out for everyone to use their 'Sorry' cards on. That can make a person bitter.)