Recently, Rosemary's teacher invited all the parents to come in to lead an activity. Last fall (I think I wrote about this), we were invited in to do an observation, which didn't go well. R freaked out the entire time I was there - it was clearly an unwanted mixing of home and school worlds for her. So this time both her teacher and I talked to her about Jason and/or I coming in. We'd been talking about how R and I had made granola at home, and Bethany suggested maybe I come in and we could do a demonstration of making a granola mix, and then all the children could have a snack. Rosemary replied, "Mommy can just drop it off.
Then her school friend's dad came in for his visit. He brought his guitar and sang some songs with them. R really dug it, so I tried, tried again. I said, since you liked it when J's dad came in, maybe you'd like it if Daddy or I came and visited your class. She said, "I like it when other people's parents come in, but NOT my family."
Another school story: They did story acting again and R's story this time was, "Mr. Hooper said, 'Give me back my apples!!!!!'" Here's our discussion about the story:
Me: Did you play Mr. Hooper?
R: No
Me: Who played Mr. Hooper?
R: Linus played Mr. Hooper.
Me: Who did you play?
R: I played the person walking Dylan
Me: Why did Dylan need to be walked?
R: Because he was a dog.
Me: And who took the apples?
R: The dog.