Before we left, when I told Rosemary we were going to go down to visit Grandma and Granddad, and told her the reason, she immediately suggested she bring her doctor kit. She thought she could help Grandma Nancy and then said, "Granddad could probably use some doctoring too."
Here she is as we left home:
I chanced the trip without a stroller, and Rosemary did great. Much to my surprise, really. Some kids her age flat out refuse to sit in the stroller. Rosie's the opposite. She positively LOVES to be pushed around. Kicks her leg up and reclines like it's an E-Z Boy lounger. I guess this comes in handy when I want to get somewhere faster than toddler legs will go or (as is often the case) we schlep to the grocery store and I can fit a week's worth of food under her stroller and hanging from the stroller hooks.
Digressing: I remember when I first moved to New York in 1996, walking around Brooklyn the first day with my two new roommates, who were both born in the city. I saw some parent pushing a kid in a stroller, maybe five years old, and I said, Wow, isn't that kid a little bit old to be riding in a stroller? My new roommates just shrugged. I understand so much more now. About being a parent, of course (stroller=control), and specifically about being a parent in Brooklyn.
Here she is in Penn Station, getting the wiggles out under the big sign. We took: cab to the train to the DC metro to Granddad's car.
Later that day, cozy with Granddad.
Giving Grandma a hair cut (using doctor kit surgical tools) in the backyard:
All in all, a positively lovely week. Turns out a gimp and a toddler have similar schedules and pace.
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