"Once upon a time, there was a scary, white dinosaur and he looked like a potato. Do you see him? One day, a GIANT met the dinosaur. He had an appointment. He's also shaped like a potato. Oh, his appointment was with the dentist and the doctor, and THEN he was going to see his friend the dinosaur. They were going to Ikea on the dinosaur bus and the giant buses. When they got to Ikea they were in trouble, because they didn't have dinner there. They didn't have food at home either so they couldn't have dessert."
The end. Or as Rosemary put it, "And that's the sad end."
This story was accompanied by a couple of drawings of a dinosaur and giant, both of whom really did look quite a bit like potatoes.
Theories on the lives and appearance of dinosaurs have changed a lot over the past few years. She may be on to something.
Love it! Oh, if we only got Rosemary and Big together. What an interesting and entertaining time it would be.
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