You can trick or treat very efficiently around here. People sit out on their stoops dispensing candy, so there are no pesky doorbells to ring. Last year Rosemary was done after about 2 streets. This year she went on for an hour, which was great fun but she ended up with way too much candy for a 3 year old. Good thing I know how to remedy that.
A highlight was when we were on Tomkins Place and a woman (one of the homeowners sitting on her stoop) came rushing out to us on the sidewalk. We'd skipped her house because she was playing some scary music that freaked out our little sound-sensitive Annie. She said she wanted to see Rosie's costume because she just loved Annie, and then allowed as how she'd played Pepper (one of the orphans) on Broadway for a number of years. Reason Number 698 to love Brooklyn!
Nancy Reagan. Har! And you're expecting twins? For real?? Awesome. Congrats! I know they'll be just as bright and entertaining as Rosemary.
This post made me giggle. I love your Miss Hannigan. People obviously just don't know the Annie cast well enough!
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