If we 1) actually produce a holiday card this year and 2) mail it out, I am 93% certain it won't have all three girls in the same picture. I made an earnest attempt earlier this week to round them all up using the one tool I have at my disposal -- Cheerios -- and it failed hilariously. Rosemary was great, a real smiling trooper, and the babies were their cute little selves, which is to say going in all directions.
Sylvie getting things started:
The three, mostly too busy eating to smile:
And cut. The O's ran out.
By the by, the littler ones are wearing knitted dresses made by Jerry's cousin Mimi, worn by Sam, kept by Maxine, handed down to us. How cool is that?
I felt a bit better today when I saw even a professional couldn't get them all to stay still and smile. Rosemary's ballet class has a photographer come in and she's magical. Come to think of it, she took the picture we used on our card last year. She sweetly offered to take a few of all three girls but Sylvia immediately flopped over and squiggled off to play with all the ballerinas, and Maggie sat stock still beside Rosie staring stoically at everyone.
This, by the way, is in part because Sylvia still does not sit on her bottom. She crawls, stands, sits on her knees, but seems to have no interest in sitting still on her behind. I asked the doctor if this was a problem and she said simply, "No, but it's cute." I suppose she'll get there soon. Not cute though: she likes to stand up in her high chair. And not just stand up. The other day, while Maggie was getting a diaper change, Sylvia wriggled out of her high chair buckles and plunged head-first into Maggie's empty one, where she hung out face down happily eating cheerios. Count us lucky, and get that girl a five-point harness.
Maggie's waving, clapping her hands, clicking her tongue, pleased as punch when you do any of those things back at her. She also crawls (started a few weeks back) and pulls to stand, and seems to be working hard on standing on her own.
And she sits:
A previous failed hilarious attempt to contain all three in the picture frame. Long live the Bumbo!
Babies hate being fenced in, even though there are 49,000 toys in there with them.
Rosemary has been having a big reading month. Jason, smart man, made a Candyland-style chart for her with a semi-elaborate points/sticker/rewards system, and she has since been gung ho sounding out words. It's exciting.