Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wind Up

The babies have a nonstop hobby. They are working on crawling. Sure, they still like all those other things: eating (Maggie), catching strangers' attention (Sylvie), rocking the exersaucer (Sylvie), stretching and barrel rolling to get to a toy (Maggie), stretching and barrel rolling to the stereo equipment and then adjusting the volume (Sylvie), watching Rosie like hawks (both). But now they both spend the majority of their time trying to get up on all fours. Neither one can crawl just yet, but these videos - which I think I took on Saturday? - are already out of date. Now both girls can stay up on all fours (increasingly hands, not just elbows) for 15 seconds or so. Every day they seem to add about 5 seconds. I watch with a mixture of supportive excitement and slight dread. Mostly excitement, because I love them more than I love doing anything that necessitates leaving them alone for more than 15 seconds. (I know, I know, time for baby gates.) I just love this phase - watching them rock back and forth, back and forth, until they propel themselves forward or tip over, then trying to do it again. It's unusual that they are both working on the same thing at the same time.

They still don't sit up, or really show any interest in it yet. I realize this is probably because I forgot to help them do this. Once they started rolling, they adapted pretty well to tummy time, so they never minded hanging out on the mat on their bellies. I guess they'll get there soon enough.

Meantime, it's a quiet week here while Rosemary visits Grandmama and Baba in the Berkshires. I can hear the August cicadas outside, the Mr. Softee ice cream truck (we live by a playground so it's constant), construction (always seems to be some going on), and I suppose also the BQE freeway traffic too, if I really pay attention. I have some freelance work I took on, so I'd better wind this up now and get back to that. 

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