A few highlights, notable/notorious moments, and sweet developments from the last weeks:
Rosemary can swim! This is in spite of swim lessons, which she has started and loathes. But in addition to the lessons, we got a family membership to the Y for the summer and she has gone swimming with Jason or me one or two days a weekend, and in the span of two weeks she was able to ditch the floaty. It's been amazing to watch her confidence grow so rapidly. At first she refused to wear the floaty altogether because for a year plus she's had an unproductive addiction to a red life vest with the words FULL THROTTLE written in neo-gothic lettering on the back - a sort of bad ass font that doesn't fit a girl clinging with all ten fingernails to her parents and scream-begging not to be left with the two very nice boys teaching swim class. But a few weekend swims later, and she is already dog paddling around on her own, getting stronger and more confident each time. That said, she still refuses to put her face in the water, but that said, I scuba dive but still plug my nose when jumping in (when I'm not scuba diving, not wearing a mask). I hate the feel, so I guess I get it.
The goal of course is to get Rosemary confidently swimming on her own so that we can bring the two littlest mermaids in and all swim together. I doubt they will have the same fears as Rosemary, especially given how out of control and splashy their bathtime is. But for now they are landlubbers, busying themselves getting into the garbage cans, emptying kitchen drawers and cabinets, moving around the furniture, etc.
Maggie especially loves to paw around on Rosemary's art table -- so much so that we bought R a bigger, slightly higher one. Apparently it hasn't completely worked. I saw this sign taped to Rosemary's new, shiny red table this morning.
Translation: "No Maggie You Will Not Do." I don't know if she left it open ended on purpose or just got distracted and figured nuff said.
Maggie, art table invader, frequent accessorizer:

At the park, Maggie seeks out out the tiny nubbins people leave behind and tries to work with them:
Guess what Sylvia does with chalk at the park? How did you know? In fairness, Maggie tries to eat it too, after she's tried drawing with it. Multisensory experience, I guess. Here's what Sylvia is mostly doing at the park instead of playing with the forbidden (for her) chalk. Look for her in the window in the little house.
She goes around and around and around, and is actually really good at swerving around people and things, and at executing perfect three point turns with broken down toys with bad wheels. This particular park we go to, where I took both those videos back to back, is built for little kids and is full of left-behind push toys. They are by far her favorite things to do there. She does the same thing at home still with her lady bug not-a-push-toy and basically anything else she can scooch along the floor. This this seems to me to go hand in hand with her obviously good sense of balance. She almost always seems to know where she is in the world. I'd say - and I think most people would agree - this comes from Jason, not from me.
While we all love going to little kids' park, we of course also spend loads of time with all three girls at regular playgrounds. Sylvia and Magnolia can manage even the big play structures now, going up the stairs (not ladders), avoiding the drop-offs (please, please) and sitting down at the top of the slide and going down backwards on their belly. Maggie in particular is a slider. This is good, because these ladies are fast and usually take off in opposite directions.
Last weekend, we ventured up to the Berkshires for the first time since Thanksgiving. This was with some trepidation, since one of the babies broke a ceramic bowl in our first ten minutes there on that last visit. With toddler twins, it's hard to visit anyone else's house since - even with two parents around - there are bound to be moments when one parent is in charge of both babies, and it only takes a second for things to head south. We did manage to mostly baby proof the kitchen and dining room, which could be shut off at the dining room door, but there were still surprises. There was one time when I was doing something with Maggie and I heard a suspicious shhh--shhhh sound. I looked up to watch Sylvia pushing an Italian ceramic urn, about the same height as she is, past the doorway in the other room. (see previous paragraph re. push toys). It did not break. We also lucked out with good weather:
Magnolia, sand box worshipper.

The pool, the pool!
Cinematic Sylvie.

(We have the best hand me downs in the world. Both babies are wearing Jason's baby clothes, and Rosemary is wearing Beth's daughter MacKenzie's dress, handmade by Beth's mom Barbara.)
Back in NYC, would you believe that this girl, so grown up, so sensible...
...stuck a bead up her nose the previous day? I'd always wondered if/when this would happen to us. I thought we'd dodged it, at least with Rosemary. But no, I got a call from her school on Wednesday saying that she had apparently gotten curious during rest time, stuck a bead up there and then, of course, spent the remainder of rest time desperately trying to get it out. Fortunately her doctor could deal with it and we didn't have to head to the ER.
In other news, Sylvia got a stark summer hair cut. She can see again!
On a rainy day this weekend we headed to the New York Aquarium, which is at Coney Island. It only recently reopened after Hurricane Sandy, which pretty well wrecked it. The babies loved the fish (and I think were a little baffled by them). Afterwards we went over to the beach - hard to believe that that sand we walked on was (I think?) all replacement/replaced sand, brought back in by FEMA. All in all it's hard to see traces of the hurricane, which I think is a testament to a lot of hard work putting things back together. Even the Cyclone was up and running. We did not go on it...
Collecting shells in front of the Cyclone and the Wonderwheel.
...but we did at least visit Luna Park, where the rides are. This is notable, since Rosemary has been terrified of carnivals and in particular Coney Island for I think 2 or even 3 years. The sounds of bells ringing and balloons popping and all else just sent her into hysterics. But this time she strode right on in and picked her ride of choice (we had said we'd just try one that day).
For better or for worse, she picked a bit of a doozy, the kid roller coaster. Even as we stood on line for it, I thought maybe a floaty boat ride might be better, but she was so set on the roller coaster that it seemed best to just go with it. She hated it! It looked tame but it did kind of go sideways and definitely jerked around a lot. She cried silently the entire time and then after the fact declared angrily that it was "boring! Really boring!" Ok, so not a raging success on one level, but I was so floored she even got it that that alone felt like a solid development. I rode it with her and Jason was juggling babies, so we didn't get any pictures of the actual ride.
Love, love, love this post, Anne! Such a fantastic glimpse into who your kids are. Adorable.
There's so much awesomeness in this post, I don't know where to begin. Thanks so much for sharing it all. xoxo
What a fabulous entry!!!! xoxoxoL
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