Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monday Moma

We made a lil jaunt to MoMA on Monday, plan being to see the James Ensor show before it closes later this week. That was my plan anyhow. Rosemary was plainly not interested in actually going into any of the exhibitions, but no matter, we had a fine, fine time. Highlight#1: Perching on the marvelous couches at the entrance to the designer Ron Arad's show:

Highlight 2: Um, vertigo? 6 floors down into the atrium gallery.

Highlight #3: Sack PBJ lunch in the sculpture garden where Rosemary worked up this little gem, another copycat pose with The River lady:

1 comment:

The Laundry Queen said...

I love the pictures-- especially the one on the couch. It's great how you stepped back enough to show the vastness of the couch and how small Rosie was in relation. Super cute. The copycat pose at the end is awesome, too.