Friday, October 31, 2008


A Handful of Recent Pix

Rosemary celebrated her 9 months birthday last Saturday on a beautiful ranch in Northern California where our friends Allyson and Eric were getting married. Friends and fellow wedding guests Ian and Laura also had important milestone birthdays. Ian turned 408 months (which is divisible by 12) and Laura turned 457 months.

Jason and Rosemary, who's wearing a dress that was her Aunt Samantha's when she was a baby. 

Happy Birthday Cousin Dash! 

The Three Cousins - Dash, Elijah, and Rosemary

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cousins always stick together

We went to Chicago two weekends ago to celebrate cousin Dashiell's first birthday. Here's a video of Rosemary with cousins Elijah and Dash at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some fancy moves

So far Rosemary's tastes in music are broad but as the footage shows her moves are limited.