Monday, April 29, 2013


Maggie's love affair with hair/head-related accessories continues. She puts them all on herself and then staggers around proudly.

Babies Watching Babies

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Littlest Walker

And Sylvia is up! She has a jiggy little walk when she chooses to do it.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Jug of Love

This morning's breakfast opera: "You're just a jug of love that's never going to break you yeah yeah yeah." At first I thought she said "jug of blood" which was more physiological (and grody) but also interesting. Second (unrelated) verse recorded in this video. That is Sylvia doing some rhythm back up.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Life Around Here

And a smattering of recent photos:

Rosemary lost ANOTHER tooth! It was while we were on vacation. Both bottom middle baby teeth are gone, prompting great excitement and a lofty grownup feeling in Rosemary.

We've been working on Life Skills 101 around here - how to sit on a couch safely (clearly not demonstrated in this picture), how to go down stairs, how to get off a bed, etc. It does help that we've got the 2 stairs in the kitchen. I no longer have to worry TOO much about those. Sylvia has been great at safely going up and down those for awhile, and now Maggie (who had been focusing her attention on walking) has gotten reasonably steady too.  

Can it go on a head? Yes? Will it be on Maggie's head soon? Yes!

Sylvia, would-be helper:

Spring videos!

Here's a whole mess of videos, some of which will be familiar to Facebookers, documenting:

1) Sylvia's love of the ladybug wheelie, which comes with the completely ignored warning, "This is not a push toy." You can see what an unstoppably nutty scrambler she is. 

2) Maggie on her first outdoor walk, a few weeks back. We are so lucky to live 3 doors up from a little playground. This is super convenient although even for the 100-foot stroll we still require a stroller - mostly for twin containment once there since I need to be able to put one (or both) somewhere safely. But now that Maggie can walk some I've been experimenting with having her walk on her own. Although she's a reasonably confident and competent walker, she remains a bit weirded out when she's out on the sidewalk on her own. In this video, her maiden strollerless voyage, it was really windy and she was extremely uncertain about the mail carrier with his big mail bag on wheels approaching from behind.

3) Ok, granted, we did not actually secure this babygate to the "shoe area," but we were hopeful it would be a deterrent. It was not.

4) Rosemary, climbing the strange silver mountain at the beautiful Union Square Park playground on a glorious spring day. She's been doing gymnastics this past year and I've been blown away by her increasing physical adventurousness. I love it. 

5) Sweet Maggie, Ms. Practical Life, and her bowl. It's a phone, it's a bowl, it's a hat. This kid loves anything she can wear, especially head gear (hats, head bands, tiaras) and socks. She can get the hats etc on, but not the socks, which she will just lay out on her feet to show where they go. She loves helping. She loves mixing food in bowls. 

6) Sylvia (messy eater) practicing her emphatic "no" head shake. 

7) Putting it into use a few days later.