Friday, August 5, 2011

Sock 'em!

Among the many outcomes of R's Annie obsession is her frequent demand for pillow fights. Jason is a good sport.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

'Tis the Season

It's the time of year we wait for all year. Tomato season! (Never mind the crazy 105 degree days. Eaters can't be choosers.) We bought someone's CSA off of them for the month of August and picked up our first week's worth yesterday. Holy Zucchini! Actually, now that I write that, it was actually kind of holy zucchini because the pick up is inside the old Episcopal church in our neighborhood. Huge piles and bins of fruits and vegetables were laid out in the church's aisles. It is old and stony and stain glassy in there, and when we walked in Rosemary (no churchgoer she) puzzled over what it was: "It's some kind of's like a museum, but maybe not a's a church?"

Here's Rosie singing a song to our bounty (while doing a phrenological study of the carrot tops and beet greens). It was probably mostly about the Sun Gold tomatoes, which are her absolute favorite:

Cucumbers are up there on her list too. Don't try to take that away from her:

Cucumber on the cob?

She ate the entire thing.