Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our Big Week in Pictures

Sunday: we had a disco dance birthday party for Rosie with friends from school and the around the neighborhood. 

No better way to celebrate turning FOUR than learning how to limbo:

Tuesday: Rosemary departed for her first overnight with Grandmama and Baba, so that Jason and I could work with the movers to pack up our apartment. She was VERY excited.

Turns out we have a lot of stuff:

Wednesday: the movers came back to pick everything up. Wednesday was also Rosie's actual birthday, January 25th. I'd been keeping my fingers crossed all week that the babies -- who we knew would probably be early arrivals -- would at LEAST not come on her birthday. And we really needed to move, so we were hoping they wouldn't decide to come on moving day either. I'd been wondering whether we were minimizing our odds by doing the move on R's birthday or tempting the fates.

The babies held off...barely. I went into labor about 5 hours after the movers left.

Thursday: 4:14 a.m. Sylvia!

Thursday: 4:16 a.m. Magnolia!

Grandma and Sylvia:

Space baby. This is Magnolia catching some UV rays to help decrease risk of jaundice. Both girls spent time under the lights:

Magnolia with Grandmama:

Rosemary, sweetly excited to spend time with her little sisters. So far she hasn't missed a chance to go visit them, even though it's a long trip up there and she has to be pretty quiet and patient when we're there:

Sylvia, hanging out in her isolette:

Sylvia, up close:

 Two! I have no idea how to hold two babies at once, but I'm sure it'll seem like old hat soon!

Welcome Magnolia and Sylvia!

On January 26th, we welcomed our two new little tiny girls into the world. Sylvia -- formerly known as twin A -- arrived first at 4:14 a.m. in the morning. Magnolia -- twin B -- came immediately afterward at 4:16 a.m., both with great cries and breathing on their own. They were born at 34 weeks and 5 days, which is early but not so super early when it comes to preemies, and especially twins. Sylvia was 3 lbs 7 oz (or possibly 3 lbs 12 oz? We have differing info in two places) and Magnolia was 4 lbs even. Both girls have lots of dark hair and dark blue eyes, but otherwise look completely different. Sylvia's hair is dark, dark brown and sticks straight up (like her big sister's did at birth), while Magnolia's is maybe a little more fair.

Hoorah! We will soon be changing the name of this blog to plural.

The past week since they arrived they've done well, ramping up their every-3-hour feeds bit by miniscule 2cc bit. Sylvia is going gangbusters, Magnolia is taking a bit more slowly due to some digestive trouble but now she's getting more milk every day too. (Never as much as she'd like though. I think she'll be voracious once she's given the chance.) Both girls are masters of wriggling out of their diapers and IVs. Two days ago Sylvia wriggled out of her IV, and they decided not to put it back in because she's getting a good amount of milk. Magnolia still has her IV, but we're optimistic she'll be off it in the next few days!