Friday, November 14, 2008

Mamas and Babes

Rosie and I met up with our mama friends today - it's such fun to see the babies from our birthing class as they get more mobile and their personalities come out in full. I don't know how we lucked out so much by landing in class with this group of mellow, hilarious people. Left to right are Kai (in red) and his mom Kim; Dara and her son Leo; Amy, whose daughter Sadie is out in front; and Pia, whose son Uriel is just behind Sadie. We were missing Danielle and Maggie, Annie and Henry, and of course Kim and Maple, though happily we got a fix of those two yesterday. 

Uriel checking out Sadie in one of the rare moments when she wasn't zipping across the room to hang out with kids 6 times her age:

Kai demonstrates proper usage of the toy thingy:

Row of babies, Uri, Kai, and Rosemary out in front:

Rosie was really, really focused on this box of blocks:


Anonymous said...

awww, man! we missed out on the fun! xokim j

Laura said...

Good parallel play!