Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All Shakered Up

Rosemary's been spending a lot of time at museums lately but this weekend's trip to the old Shaker museum near Lenox, MA had them all beat hands down. Reason number one: the presence of Bea Tucker, 8 months older and wiser than R. This weekend was the museum's annual county fair, so we spent more time roaming around outdoors than looking inside all the historic buildings. I did peek into one and it's true what they say, those Shakers did know their way around a built-in. Nice cabinetry. The round barn (which you can see way in the background in both these pix) is pretty amazing and made more so when filled with cute animals and fall sunbeams. Also, Rosie hit her share of sandboxes this summer but this year's best by far was the one someone (recently, therefore presumably not a Shaker) built here. It was filled with unpopped popcorn instead of sand and it was near impossible to get Rosie out. Bea meanwhile was kicking around in a big pile of hay nearby, but somehow we didn't get a picture of that. A few pix of the whole weekend here.

1 comment:

Shelley Millis said...

Look at those fall/winter coats. Huh...i'm in shorts and a t-shirt. You've reminded me to buy Avery a coat.
