Friday, November 4, 2011


At this point, with Rosemary pushing 4, it's probably an invasion of her privacy to post her dreams. But maybe just this once? Only because I almost always ask her if she had any interesting dreams, and she always says no. She's mum on nightmares too, even when she is wide awake and lucid after them. I assume she just doesn't remember. But the other day she woke up and said, "I had a dream about a ballet teacher, but it wasn't Miss Marie, and I was going to her house and she had a really big field. And the field was inside her house!" It was just such a dream-dream, where everything is nearly normal but just one step beyond into weird, and things unspool in unexpected ways.

We also heard her yelling adamantly in her sleep the other night, "I REALLY don't want to!" I figure most of her nightmares involve me and Jason making her brush her teeth.

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