Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miss Mix-A-Lot's Buttermilk Biscuits

Here's what happens when you buy buttermilk. It lurks in your fridge for 4 weeks at which point you chuck it, or it lurks in your fridge for 3 weeks and then, in a race against time, you start all sorts of unusual baking projects. Only unusual in that I rarely bake. On Friday we made biscuits and I figured for once I'd let Rosemary be in charge. Baking together always seems like a good idea, but usually ends up in frustration + mess, since one of us wonders why, if you can dip the spoon in the baking powder once and then put it in the bowl, can't you do it five times?

Anyway, I figured biscuits were a little less finicky than other baked stuff, so I put a big sheet down on the floor and let R be in charge. I measured, she dumped and stirred. We had a good time (despite how serious she looks here).

1 comment:

allyson said...

And then you get to eat what you baked. How great is that? Looks like a delicious meal.